EPAT / ESWT / EMTT Therapy

Please watch our shockwave colleague Dr. Perry Cammisa in Chicago explain EMTT.


So happy to help treat USA’s very own Olympic hopeful Paris 2024 men’s singles badminton representative. Shockwave regenerative therapy should give him the edge to compete at his highest level possible - go USA!
Dr. Petersen - Howard S.



Long overdue for this feedback! I have had Plantar Fasciitis for the past 2 years while still playing Pickleball. After playing each time, I could barely walk afterwards. Also, I could never walk barefoot as there would be pain on the bottom of my foot. Finally decided to get treatment and it's been a miracle that I NO LONGER HAVE ANY PAIN after Playing PickleBall and now I can also walk barefoot without the bottom of my foot being in pain! Dr Petersen used his advanced EPAT Shock Therapy Treatment and after 4 sessions, I was 85% better... within a month after the final treatment I am now 99% pain free!! I can't believe I suffered with pain for 2 years. I highly recommend Dr Petersen's expertise in the treatment of plantar fasciitis!!

Terry W. (patient)


What is EPAT®?

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) is the most advanced and highly effective non-invasive treatment method cleared by the FDA. This proprietary technology is based on a unique set of pressure waves that stimulate the metabolism, enhance blood circulation and accelerate the healing process. Damaged tissue gradually regenerates and eventually heals. This non-invasive office/clinic based procedure represents a breakthrough treatment option for a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions.

What disorders can be treated?

Generally, acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain and/or pain that signifi cantly impairs mobility or quality of life.
Areas include:

  • Foot and heel pain
  • Achilles pain
  • Tendon and/or tendon insertion pain
  • Neuromas
  • Trigger points

What are the possible side effects/complications?

The non-invasive EPAT® treatment has virtually no risks or side effects. In some cases, patients may experience some minor discomfort which may continue for a few days. It is normal to have some residual pain after intense exercise or a full day of work.

Elective Payment and Insurance

Insurance typically does not cover the EPAT® procedure, however, the Elective Payment option allows you to have all the benefi ts of an EPAT® procedure at a very affordable price. Often there can be signifi cant savings to you through the Elective Payment option as compared to paying deductibles, multiple co-pays, and other non-insurance covered surgery, post operative surgical care and rehabilitation. This non-invasive option will be particularly appealing to those patients who are eager to return to work or normal activities in only a few days with just as good, if not better, clinical results compared to traditional treatment methods, including surgery.

How much does it cost?

For most patients, the Elective Payment out-of-pocket costs are much less than you would expect. Your physician can provide a personalized pricing program. Some patients can use their employer’s “Flexible Payment Medical Savings Account” to cover these out-of-pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars.

How can I get more information?

Your doctor is the best person to talk with if you have questions or concerns about the EPAT® procedure. He or she has extensive knowlege and specialized training on all aspects of its use, safety and effectiveness.

You can also learn more about EPAT® technology by visiting the CuraMedix website at www.curamedix.com.

What are the expected results?

The beneficial effects of Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) are often experienced after only 3 treatments. Some patients report immediate pain relief after the treatment, although it can take up to 4 weeks for pain relief to begin. The procedure eliminates pain and restores full mobility, thus improving your quality of life. Over 80% of patients treated report to be pain free and/or have significant pain reduction.

Is it safe?

Yes. This FDA cleared technology was developed in Europe and is currently used around the globe. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering, and optimal quality have been built into each EPAT® device; and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed its safety and efficacy. 

If performed by a qualified caregiver, Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) has virtually no risks or side effects.

What is the duration of the treatment and how many treatments will I need?

Treatment sessions take approximately 5-10 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. Generally, 3 treatment sessions are necessary at weekly intervals.

What will happen after the treatment procedure?

You will receive post-treatment instructions from your physician to follow during your recovery.

What if I have a special health condition?

The safety and effectiveness of the EPAT® procedure has not been determined on people with the following health conditions. Your doctor will provide you with information about how these and other conditions might affect the determination to perform the EPAT® procedures.

  • Malignancies
  • DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

How is the treatment performed?

Coupling gel is applied to the specified treatment area to enhance effectiveness. After these preparations, EPAT® pressure waves are released via the applicator which is moved over the area in a circular motion.

Why consider non-invasive EPAT®?

EPAT® has a proven success rate that is equal to or greater than that of traditional treatment methods (including surgery) and without the risks, complications and lengthy recovery time. EPAT® is performed in your physician’s office/clinic, does not require anesthesia, requires a minimal amount of time, patients can immediately bear weight (i.e. walk), and return to normal activity within a few days of the procedure.

Benefits of EPAT®

  • Non-invasive
  • No anesthesia
  • No risk of infection
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Over 80% patient satisfaction
  • Faster, easier healing

Connective Tissue Disorders

  • Connective tissue disorders affect 80% – 90% of all women. Factors such as genetics, hormones, pregnancy, and aging all attribute to the weakening of the collagen fibers, decreasing skin elasticity, thickness and tone of connective tissue and give the typical orange peel appearance on thighs, buttocks and upper arms. 


  • Fibrous strands of tissue connect your skin to deeper tissue layers, creating compartments of ordinary fat cells. When the fat cells increase in size, the compartments bulge and produce the dimpling (orange-peel) appearance on your skin’s surface.
  • Regular exercise and well balanced diets do not always reverse or prevent its formation, although an unhealthy lifestyle will make the overall appearance worse over time due to poor nutrition, weight gain and lack of sufficient water intake.

Patient Satisfaction

The EPAT® treatment has proven results and these results are reflected in its high patient satisfaction. In our pilot study (Sattler, Aesthetic Dermatology February 2008), 91% of patients would recommend EPAT® to other patients. The women noticed an improvement in their skin in an average of only 2.5 sessions with no side effects reported.

How can I get more information?

Your doctor is the best person to talk with if you have questions or concerns about the procedure. He or she has extensive knowledge and specialized training on all aspects of its use, safety and effectiveness.

What is EPAT®?

EPAT® is a modern, highly effective treatment method characterized by the application of acoustic pressure waves to the affected body regions. This innovative treatment method is chosen by an increasing number of women as a preventive treatment to reduce their susceptibility and/or to reverse and eliminate visible signs of connective tissue disorders.
EPAT® performed with the radial applicator uses high-energy acoustic waves that are introduced into the patient‘s body in the form of high-frequency oscillations. EPAT® is the first effective and long lasting treatment modality for treating connective tissue disorders. Acoustic pressure waves have been used in medicine with great success since 1980 for the disintegration of kidney stones and since 1992 for the treatment of orthopedic conditions including acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain

Measurable and Visible Results


EPAT® has been successfully used in aesthetic medicine in the course of several clinical application studies. EPAT® treatment has a multilayer effect.

  • Skin – skin tightening, better skin structure and contour
  • Fatty tissue– increased blood flow, activation of metabolism, stimulation of lipolysis and body shaping
  • Connective tissue – stimulation and activation of collagen formation
  • Lymphatic system – improved circulation and drainage
  • Muscle – normalization of muscle tone

Say goodbye to unwanted dimples with EPAT


Treatment areas include:

  • Upper arms
  • Stomach
  • Gluteal region
  • Thighs




How is the treatment performed?

Your medical professional will apply coupling gel to the treatment area to enhance treatment effectiveness. After these preparations, acoustic pressure waves are released via the applicator and moved over the entire treatment region.

What is the duration of the treatment and how many treatments will I need?

Treatment sessions take approximately 20 minutes depending on the number of areas to be treated. Generally, 8–12 treatment sessions (2 per week) are necessary.

What will happen after the treatment?

You will receive post treatment instructions from your physician, however, you will be able to immediately resume normal activities.

Is it safe?

Yes. This FDA cleared technology was developed in Europe and is currently used around the globe. The non-invasive treatment has virtually no risks or side effects. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering and optimal quality have been built into each device, and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed its safety and efficacy.

If performed by a qualified medical professional, EPAT® has virtually no risks or side effects.

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